Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sunsets from 2007

This entry is an archive of my Christmas Sunset diary on Daily Kos. Just a few photos to represent my obsession with capturing the perfect sunset.

I’ve already written a diary there devoted to all of the encouragement (and mojo) given by my fellow Kossacks. That diary Got a Happy Story? Shutterbug Edition started out with my first two photos of a sunrise. These photos of a sunrise over Los Angeles are actually a bit more that a year old but they are where I started;

The fact that during most of the year I can look out my kitchen window while making coffee and try to capture that false dawn;

Take a few pictures of the sunrise after I get dressed;

And then come home to capture that same day end has turned me into quite a sun worshiper since I took up photography;

Here is one of my favorite misty mornings. The Sun rising over Van Cortland Park;

And the western view on the same autumn morning;

This was one of my favorite after glows;

Since I’ve started taking photos of the sun from my window, if I have a little free time from work I try to walk to the river for a closer look at the water than I can get at home;

If I can’t get out of the concrete canyons, I’ll settle fro a reflection off the buildings;

Find a spot to shoot over;

Or through;

And If I’m on the highway at sunset, I’ll pull over in Fort Tryon Park for a sunset shot;

Since my obsession with capturing the sun began I take my camera everywhere I go and since California is my favorite destination, I’ve got a few to show from the Golden State.
The sunset over the Venice Beach Drum Circle;

I also travel to Laguna Beach each spring and this is my favorite so far;

This is a very memorable photo. It was taken along the Great Highway in San Francisco. Navajo and I were coming back from a great day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium to have a sunset dinner with Sally Cat and Mr. Cat but there were too many traffic jams to make sunset at the Cliff House. This picture was taken from the passenger seat of Navajo’s speeding car;

I go other places, here is a Puerto Rican Sunrise;

The Rabbit;

And the closest I could get to a sunset on that island;

Last week I took a three day visit in Florida and made sure I was near the water at each sunset. Maybe these will help warm up your Christmas Day.

Two from Clearwater;

Three from Hudson Beach;

And three from Green Key;

But most of my sunset photos are shot right out the window of my apartment and sometimes the view can be pretty spectacular;

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